While most people think of babies when it comes to adoption, there are many older children in need of families. Lauren and Nelson Cano open up about their experience being adopted as adolescents, and their parents Jeremey and Joslyn Ahlgren share what it was like to adopt older children.
As a single man, Peter Mutabazi, didn't know if he could become a foster parent. When he found out he was eligible, he signed up right away. He always wanted to have a child, and he ended up adopting a teen out of foster care who needed a forever home.
Click the link below to download Youtuber and Author Angela Braniff's Adoption Resources Guide. Angela is a mother to 8 beautiful children from both birth and adoption. She has adopted domestically and internationally. This guide covers everything from ways to fund your adoption, the difference between an open and closed adoption, and even ways to prepare raising a child from a different ethnicity and culture from your own.