Providing comfort and smiles to foster children waiting in courtrooms. Each kit includes snacks like crackers, applesauce pouches, cereal bars, and a small toy to brighten their day during challenging moments.
How You Can Help:
We need donations of individual-sized snacks, small toys, and monetary contributions to keep this program running year-round. Your support makes a difference in the lives of these children, giving them a moment of comfort and care when they need it most.
Together, we can bring a little joy to their journey. 💛
How to Donate
Are you ready to bring in prepared food bags or snacks for food bags?
Feel free to drop off donations to our office at 12830 Hillcrest Rd, Suite 111, Dallas, Texas, 75230 anytime between 9am-5pm. Please call Raul for drop off or pickups:
Raul 469-6869805
Due to a large number of allergies towards certain ingredients, please:
no peanut butter, no nuts, no spicy flavors, no chocolate candies or plain chocolate bars (or any snacks that easily melt in the Texas heat).
"Your snack bag program has been a great resource for our CPS caseworkers and the children they serve. This need was never even talked about until you started providing this service for us. Now our workers can't imagine what they would do without them.
I was recently in the office when a caseworker removed seven children all from the same family. They ranged in ages from 15 years old to a set of 18 month old twins. As you can imagine, it was a very upsetting situation for all of the children. It took time to find appropriate placements for all of the children. The children had to wait at the CPS office while these arrangements were made. I was in the front office when the worker walked up holding the hand of the 3 year old who was crying and saying he was thirsty. I suggested she just grab him a handy snack bag out for the drawer before I realized they were all gone. I was shocked to see how big the need was. We ended up finding a left over Capri Sun with no straw that we were able to give him.
These snack bags go a long way to make children more comfortable during such an upsetting situation. It helps other children to be able to focus on their family visits after a long day at school. The State does not have the resources needed to provide this service. We appreciate all that you do to make our jobs easier and the lives of these children more comfortable."
Brandi Kolander
CPS Volunteer Coordinator