On June 22, 2008, founder Michelle Brown witnessed a horrific car accident at an intersection in Plano, Texas. The wreck killed Geoff Hart; his wife, Christy; their 12-year-old daughter, Rebekah; and their two foster children, Kevinnesha Palmer (age 6) and Raven Lucas (age 5) both pictured here. Michelle attempted CPR on one of the girls,
On June 22, 2008, founder Michelle Brown witnessed a horrific car accident at an intersection in Plano, Texas. The wreck killed Geoff Hart; his wife, Christy; their 12-year-old daughter, Rebekah; and their two foster children, Kevinnesha Palmer (age 6) and Raven Lucas (age 5) both pictured here. Michelle attempted CPR on one of the girls, but heartbreakingly, she could not save her.
Michelle was deeply impacted by the incident, and wanted to do something to better the lives of foster children in light of how Kevinnesha and Raven struggled within the foster care system. The more she learned about the system in Texas, the more she realized that there was an overwhelming opportunity to help thousands of children who are still in the foster care system.
Two years after the accident, Michelle founded Foster Kids Charity, created to serve the needs of children in foster care and educate volunteers about the foster care system.
To learn more about our founding story, we encourage you to watch the following video.
Michelle Brown, Our founder, featured in Dallas Voyage Magaine
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